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TikTok for Business: A Complete Guide in 2023

Today, let’s delve into the realm of TikTok for business, providing you with a comprehensive guide tailored to the UK market in 2023. Recently, we explored the power of social selling for order fulfilment, where we touched upon platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and briefly, TikTok. However, recognizing TikTok’s potential for explosive growth within the eCommerce sphere, we felt it essential to conduct a deeper exploration.

Despite its burgeoning popularity among users, TikTok remains somewhat underutilised by the eCommerce industry. Often dismissed as a platform solely for youthful socialising, TikTok, in fact, presents a burgeoning medium for large brands and eCommerce marketers to flourish.

The largest demographic on TikTok comprises individuals aged between 16 and 24, a prime target market for fashion, cosmetics, technology, and lifestyle brands. With users in this age bracket spending an average of 88 minutes daily on the platform, the potential for engagement is staggering.

However, TikTok isn’t just about playful entertainment; it’s a burgeoning space for eCommerce ventures to thrive. A significant 61% of TikTok users perceive ads on the platform as unique compared to those on other platforms. It’s high time for business owners to tap into this emerging market.

As of June 2023, TikTok boasts over 800 million global active users, making it the most downloaded app worldwide in 2020 and available in over 200 countries. We anticipate that order fulfilment through TikTok will transition from niche to standard practice, much like it did with Facebook and Instagram.

Understanding TikTok for Business

To begin, let’s unravel the essence of TikTok. Primarily, TikTok serves as a platform for creating and sharing short videos, typically lasting between 15 to 60 seconds. The platform’s mission is to encapsulate and present the world’s creativity, knowledge, and cherished moments, directly from mobile devices. With its user-friendly interface and short video format, TikTok captivates its predominantly youthful audience with ease.

TikTok empowers users to express themselves through dance, song, and talent showcases, fostering an environment of creativity and fun. Its appeal soared during lockdowns, attracting a younger demographic. However, as older users increasingly embrace TikTok, the platform has evolved beyond mere entertainment, becoming a hub for information and brand awareness, akin to YouTube but with shorter, snappier content.

Why Selling on TikTok Is Imperative

Smart marketers understand the importance of engaging audiences where they are. With a growing user base comprising Gen Z and millennials, TikTok presents a lucrative opportunity for brands and online sellers alike. Your brand can leverage TikTok’s expansive user base, which has now integrated with eCommerce platforms such as Shopify, streamlining the selling process.

Setting Up Your TikTok Business Account

To embark on your TikTok journey, start by creating a free business account. Ensure you switch to a business account in the settings, enabling you to access advanced features tailored for businesses. Then, complete your profile with brand information and a captivating bio to introduce your brand to potential customers.

Next, immerse yourself in the TikTok community by following popular brands in your industry. Observe their posting strategies, hashtag usage, and product promotion techniques to gain insights into effective TikTok marketing.

Leveraging TikTok for eCommerce Marketing

Here’s how you can harness TikTok’s features for marketing your brand:

  1. External Links: Utilise your profile’s external links to direct users to your website, Instagram, or YouTube channel. Craft compelling calls-to-action to enhance conversions.

  2. eCommerce Store Promotion: Promote your TikTok feed on your website to showcase your products in a dynamic, engaging manner, fostering brand loyalty and driving potential sales.

  3. Shop Now Buttons: Keep an eye out for TikTok’s upcoming “Shop Now” button, designed to facilitate in-app purchases. As this feature becomes more widely available, it will streamline the buying process for users, enhancing eCommerce opportunities.

Creating Ads on TikTok

TikTok offers various ad formats tailored for businesses:

  1. Hashtag Challenges: Encourage user participation with hashtag challenges, driving engagement and brand awareness.

  2. Top View Ads: Gain prime visibility with ads displayed when users open the app, capturing their attention from the outset.

  3. In-Feed Ads: Place ads within users’ video feeds, seamlessly integrating them into their browsing experience.

  4. Brand Takeovers: Grab users’ attention with full-screen ads displayed upon app launch, maximising brand exposure.

  5. Branded Effects: Enhance user engagement with custom stickers, filters, and effects, amplifying brand visibility and creativity.

eCommerce Fulfilment

How can third-party logistics (3PL) services aid in TikTok business order fulfilment? PaakPOD offers seamless integration with eCommerce stores, such as Shopify or WooCommerce, streamlining order management and fulfilment processes. With PaakPOD, you can effortlessly pick, pack, and dispatch orders, ensuring timely delivery and customer satisfaction.


The exponential growth of TikTok in recent years is unparalleled. As it continues to ascend, businesses must not overlook this platform. TikTok for business offers a wealth of marketing opportunities, providing a level playing field for brands to thrive in a dynamic social media landscape. eCommerce owners are already reaping the rewards; it’s time to join TikTok and unlock its full potential for your business.