Want to increase your brand awareness and retain more customers? 

Having great products is just one part of the customer experience. There is the initial online experience – then the delivery experience. When customers receive your products, an opportunity presents itself to elevate your brand and make a lasting impression.  

Considering customer retention and what drives brand loyalty, the stats don’t lie. Going the extra mile matters. More eCommerce retailers should consider branded materials and creating unique experiences with their offerings.  


An unboxing experience describes the process of customers receiving and opening products with unique designs and/or inserts that make receiving packages more special. It entices and elicits more emotion.  

Custom packaging helps brands to distinguish themselves from the competition – creating a signature feel. This allows retailers to connect with consumers on a more personal level. Customers enjoy aesthetics. One study from Ipsos found 72% of people purchased products based on their packaging designs. 

You want customers to be excited about your products and your brand. Those little extra details in your packaging and unboxing process can greatly impact customer loyalty and revenue. In fact, 30% of businesses report a boost in profit after improving product packaging. 


A recent case study concluded that 52% of people are more likely to purchase again from a retailer online if their delivery arrives in premium packaging. Packaging is a marketing opportunity for brands, and this underscores the perception of brand value

Brand identity and brand association matter to consumers. Statistical data reveals that consumers are increasingly becoming emotionally attached to brands as a reflection of lifestyle and values – especially today. This could be around several topics, from health to sustainability. An astounding 89% of shoppers stay loyal to brands that share their values – and those values should be reflected in all branded materials.  

To further simplify the idea, custom packaging and packaging inserts make receiving products more memorable. Subscription box fulfilment, for example, embraces this idea very closely. Many subscription box eCommerce brands include notes and features of products, personalised letters, & more. This moves from a simple transactional service to an experience with emotional gravitas.  

82% of consumers feel more positive about a brand after  

reading customised content 


Custom packaging manufacturers work with thousands of brands to make the perfect design – complimenting and showcasing your aesthetics and brand values. 

The first step is to decide on your design. Several companies, such as pixartprintingcustomBoxesCo, and Packagingbee offer pre-assembled designs you can choose from.  

Designs can be everything from luxurious to modern, quirky to simplistic. There are different aesthetics depending upon your brand’s feel. Choose something memorable and relatable to your target customer’s lifestyle. 

The second step is to decide on any inserts or special gifts.  


It only takes a small effort to make a big impression. In our blog, we briefly discuss the true value of packaging inserts. Packaging inserts can be many things: Thank you cards, stickers, coupons, and branded bookmarks. It’s a chance to capture the attention of your customer and make them smile. It’s these details that create lifetime value (LTV) and brand loyalty. 

The point is to provide unique experiences that create that “wow” factor. This effort shows you appreciate your customer and go all the way to prove it – even with the smallest of details. It creates a lasting impression that inspires and grows an audience.

Positive word of mouth is so important for business success, as 92% of consumers say they trust suggestions from family and friends more than advertising. So, stand out!

The third step is to gather your new packaging and inserts and send them to your 3PL provider. 


After you’ve found the perfect branding materials, you’ve sent them to your 3PL; the rest will run on autopilot. With Selazar, you have access to your own custom online portal. This is one of the advantages of cloud fulfilment – complete access from anywhere to update your account and details for your logistics outsourcing. This includes updating any details of the custom packaging process and your custom packaging boxes.  

Within your fulfilment portal, you can specify what the presentation should look like, what and where the inserts should be, and any other details needed. If you need to make changes, simply update your account via the online portal; that change happens in real-time.  


Custom packaging and unboxing experiences are unique branding tools in your marketing arsenal. First impressions count – so make sure to stand out to your customers. Being dynamic creates effective ways to increase your bottom line. Remember that loyal customers spend 67% more on average than new customers. Start setting up your branded packaging and inserts to embellish your brand. For any questions about using our 3pl services with your custom packaging, set up a no-obligation discovery call with us.